In this context, our corporate quality management system is AS 9100, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 10002 approved and certified.
For the constant satisfaction of our customers, all problems are monitored with disciplinary, systematic problem-solving techniques such as 5 reasons, pareto , 8D, follow-up, analysis and evaluation processes and finally resolved.
In this context, our quality control unit plans and produces quality products and services for you in three stages.
Input Quality Control
All raw materials, semi-finished products and products coming to our facilities are put into use after being checked within the framework of the input quality control plans set to ensure efficient and error-free production conditions. The aim is to prevent errors before they occur.
Process Quality Control
Each step of the Production Operations is carried out by monitoring with the necessary measurements and records at every step and within the framework of continuous quality production-oriented process quality control plans to ensure uninterrupted traceability.
Output Quality Control
Finished and semi-finished products become ready for shipment with appropriate documents and certificates after final checks within the framework of output quality control plans based on national and international quality standards and legal requirements with the aim of ensuring customer satisfaction.
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